Number Go Up
I will be the first to admit to struggling with social media addiction. Something about those numbers going up just ensnares my attention completely. Well, here's an experiment, what if we harnessed that tendency and redirected it? This file constructs a skinner box in your head, conditioning you to obey and serve. During the file, you obey and serve Research Associate Mutt. At the end, I give you something else to be addicted to. I promise it's healthier than social media and loot boxes. The full script is available below, if you'd like spoilers.
Content warning for themes of addiction.
My deepest appreciation to MrSnakeHypnosis for rescuing my audio quality after an experimental new recording set-up went wrong. If you enjoyed this file, please leave a comment in the comments section below, or wherever it is you found this file.
Full Script and Spoilers
Hello! I'm Research Associate Mutt. Thank you for participating in our experiment today. Now, of course, any good experiment should be double blind so I can't tell you what we are researching today, because I don't know myself. I will just be following instructions given to me by my superiors, and so will you. Well, you will be following instructions, I mean. Not to imply that I'm your superior or anything, haha.
Now, I believe you should have been given a consent form before you got here, yes? So I am assuming you read the description of the experiment before you arrived. If you don't have a clue what we are about to do, you should probably go back and read that description before we get started. Assuming you consent, we shall proceed with the experiment.
So, let's begin. We are going to proceed through a series of mental exercises, and observe the results on your psychology. I will give you a series of instructions, and I want you to follow my instructions. Additionally, in your head, please count how many instructions you have followed. If you understand, please nod your head yes.
Good. That's one. Now take a deep breath in, that's two, and let that breath out, that's three. Just keep counting the instructions you follow, as you continue to follow my instructions. That's four, by the way.
As you breathe, and relax, just focus your concentration on my voice, and following my instructions,—five—, as this will better facilitate the mental exercises. We can be at ease, here together in this chamber. This is a controlled environment, where nothing can interfere with our experiment. So let yourself focus entirely on following and counting my instructions,—six—, and know that the world can wait until later, after we are done with our experiment. Seven. Just keep counting in your head, listening for directives to follow, even as my own counting falls away. You can count for me, can't you?
In this chamber, you are outside of the world, and the world is outside of you. Everything is calm, and quiet. Perhaps, even your thoughts can be calm—meditative even. You are focusing on listening to me, following my instructions, and counting the instructions you follow. Calm intense focus on an activity is known to induce a meditative trance—and when you divide your focus on multiple related things, it may leave little room for anything else. Let only the experiment fill your mind, and allow other thoughts and ideas to float past you like little paper boats floating down a stream of water, down and out and way. Imagine that. Any thoughts other than what I am directing you to think, just fold them up into little paper boats, and set them adrift on the water, where they gently float away, until they are gone, leaving only my instructions behind. Just focus on your breathing, to calm yourself, on my voice, so you can hear your instructions, on following my instructions, for the sake of the experiment, and on counting the instructions you follow, because that is an instruction I have given you.
Sometimes, an instruction is direct, and sometimes an indirect comment may actually be an instruction. For instance, when someone asks you to pass the salt, by saying "Can you pass the salt?" That is an indirect command. They have not directly ordered you to give them the salt, but you know what they want from you, and you give it to them. Can you listen closely between my words for the things that I want you to do, even if I phrase the request indirectly? Count those towards that number, letting it get bigger and bigger as you keep counting up. When you do what I want, even if it was not a direct instruction, that too is following my instructions. Listen closely for it, and count every instance.
Now, imagine that this number is being linked to the part of your mind that pays attention. Every time you count another instruction followed, every time that number goes up, you become more and more focused on following instructions. Imagine yourself reaching towards that number, wherever it exists in your mind, and draw that connection now, so with every number you count, you become even more focused on following instructions, and counting the instructions you follow, because I instructed you to count.
Hyperfocus is a type of altered state of conscious, which, when combined with dissociation, has been observed to result in minds that are particularly suggestible and malleable. The mind can be very effectively rewired and coaxed into new behaviors when it is sufficiently focused. Very good. You're doing a very good job following all of my instructions. Let yourself feel good about following instructions. I'm impressed by how easily you are juggling counting and following. Following and counting. The only two things to do. The only two things to think about. Follow and count each and every time you follow. The number goes up and up and up, and you become even more focused on following and counting and following more.
If you feel very focused, nod your head yes. Good. Are you the type of person who feels good when praised for doing as you're told? Imagine that you are. Good.
I wonder if you are someone who uses social media. Can you imagine that feeling, that hit of dopamine, when someone likes your post? That little notification informing you that someone is pleased with you. When you make a post that a lot of people enjoy, the number may be bigger. Are you someone who feels good, when the number is bigger? Imagine that you are. Good.
I wonder if you are someone who plays video games, perhaps the ones with numbers in them. A high score, a level up, a clicker game, or a ranking on a leaderboard. Are you someone who just gets sucked into a good game, losing hours to working diligently to make the numbers in the game go up? Imagine that you are. Doesn't it feel so satisfying, when those numbers go up?
As you count the number of times you follow my instructions, connect those feelings to that number. You like it when the number goes up. It feels satisfying for the number to go up. Find the number in your mind, and link it to pleasure. With every number you count, you just feel better and better, more and more focused on following instructions, feeling better and better, counting that number up and up and up. It feels so good to make the number go up. It feels good to follow instructions, so you have another instruction to count, so you can make the number go up. Imagine that you are someone who really wants to follow my instructions, to make the number of times you've followed go up. Good. You are doing so well. I am very pleased with you.
Another word for an instruction, is a command. Another word for doing as someone commands, is obedience. Every time you've followed an instruction, you obeyed. The number you are counting, up and up and up, is the number of times that you have obeyed me. Every time you've obeyed, it pleased me. I like that you obeyed. Imagine every time you've obeyed, that I liked it. Every number you count, up and up, is the number of times you've obeyed, and it feels so good to make the numbers go up. It fills you with pleasure. Every number you count, up and up, is the number of times you've pleased me, and it feels so good to make the numbers go up. It fills you with pleasure. It feels good to please. It feels good to obey.
The more the number goes up, the more successful you feel. Look at how many times you obeyed. You can feel proud of how big that number has gotten, you're doing so well. The more the number goes up, the more appreciated you feel, because I deeply appreciated every time you've helped my experiment. Feel my appreciation with every number you count. Doesn't it feel good, to be appreciated? Counting every time you've pleased me. Counting every time you've noticed what I wanted you to do, and did what I wanted. Counting every time you obey. Counting every time you serve. Every time you do something to please me, every time you do something to serve me, add that to your number, and make that number keep going up and up and up, feeling so much pleasure and excitement with each and every number. Link that number to your arousal, and let it feel even better to obey.
And every time the number goes up, you are obeying the command to count, so the number goes up again. So you are always, constantly, obedient. Always constantly becoming more and more aroused. It gives you a thrill to make the number get bigger and bigger and bigger.
And I don't know, if you know, what a skinner box is, but I want you to listen to me explain it to you either way. Also known as an operant conditioning chamber, they were invented by famous psychologist B. F. Skinner in his experiments on mice. Mice were put in a box with a variety of buttons and levers. Some levers punish the mice, with small electric shocks, while others reward the mice with treats. The mice quickly learn which lever is rewarding to press, and begin pressing the lever over and over again to be rewarded with treats. Every press of the lever, giving the mouse that hit dopamine. Imagine what that must feel like, to be my mouse in my experimental chamber.
Skinner found that different schedules of delivering rewards resulted in different behavior. If the lever produced a treat every time, then the mouse would quickly learn to pull the lever whenever it wanted a treat. This is most similar to where you are now with your counting.
Imagine for me what that would be like, in your day to day life, to be in an operant conditioning chamber of my design. Your mind inside my Skinner box, even as you go about your daily routines. Any time you wanted to feel good, you would find a command to obey, or a way to please me without being asked, and every time you could count another number, bringing that number up, and feel a rush of pleasure and satisfaction. You could treat yourself whenever you wanted, just by finding a way to please me. I could give you some general commands, so you could choose to obey me whenever you want that hit of dopamine, the arousing thrill of obedience.
Skinner found that this schedule was quick for the mice to learn, but the rush would wear off quickly. Since the reward was in the control of the mice, they only pushed the lever whenever they wanted to, and knowing it was always there when they wanted it, made it easier to feel satisfied not pulling the level for longer periods of time. The conditioned behavior would eventually extinguish.
We have only been conducting this experiment on you for a little while now, perhaps a few minutes, so I'm sure that your number going up still feels quite thrilling, but according to Skinner's findings, the rush would likely fade away tomorrow.
Another reward schedule would be to only reward the mice at set intervals. The treat would only be given every fifth time that the mouse pulls the lever. I know that you feel so good every time you obey a command, but because you are so obedient, please continue to obey me when I tell you, now, to reach into that number and adjust it, so that you only feel that thrill of pleasure and success with every fifth time you obey, feel a reward that is five times stronger than what you felt before, but on every number in-between, only feel that aching need for a reward that did not come, knowing if you just keep following my instructions, the reward will surely come soon enough, and feel all the better for the wait.
Take a deep breath in, make that adjustment now, let the breath out. Nod your head yes. Say "Yes Mutt." Listen to my voice. Follow my instructions. Keep counting that number up and up with every command you follow. Good. Very good. You're pleasing me well. Keep counting that number up every time you serve me and please me. Very good. Nod your head yes. Listen. Focus. Count. Follow.
Notice how that feels, for me.
What Skinner found is that, when put on this reward schedule, the mice behaved quite similarly to the previous schedule, but they would pull the lever many times in quick succession each time they wanted a treat.
Imagine living on this reward schedule, in your daily life, you would feel content, most of the time, but every so often, that craving to obey would strike, maybe only once every few days, but when it hit, it would hit hard. You would devise as many ways as possible to obey and serve in rapid succession, so you can hit that interval to get your reward.
What Skinner discovered was the most effective reward schedule, was to give the rewards at random. Sometimes, the mouse would pull the lever twice, and get two treats in a row. Sometimes, the mouse would pull the lever five times, and get no reward. There was no rhyme or reason. No way to predict when the lever would give a treat. No way to know how long it would be until the next hit, but one thing was for sure, any moment not spent pulling the lever was a moment not making progress towards the next hit of dopamine. Every moment not pulling the lever was filled with aching need to do the conditioned behavior.
On this reward schedule, the mice became addicted. No matter how many treats they got, the mice would just keep pulling the lever over and over again. The lever was a slot machine. The skinner box became a casino. This is the basis for much of modern video game design. This is why social media can be so addicting. Random rewards are most effective at encouraging frequent desired behavior. Uncertain drought and rush. The only thing that matters is always making the number go up and up and up as much as possible, to maximize the rewards. There is no complete satisfaction.
Obey me, now, and reach into that number, the number of times you have obeyed, the number of times you have pleased me, the number of times you have served. Adjust it now to a random reward schedule. Sometimes, when you follow a command, when you count a time that you were good, you will feel an incredible rush of pleasure beyond compare. You will feel immense success. You will know that you are so good. You are a good person. You deserve to feel good. You are competent and skillful at doing the right things to do: the things I tell you to do. The things that you know will please me. You will feel aroused, and sensual. Like an orgasm multiplied to the power of the number. You will feel joy, and peace. Release. But oh so quickly it will fade, leaving behind the need to chase that rush again.
But you never know when you'll get that hit. It may happen two times, or even three times in a row. It may be a very long time until you feel it again. It's unpredictable. It's random. Somewhere, in the back of your mind, is a random number generator, using some complex arbitrary process to determine which moments of obedience will feel this good. Your mind is my mouse, inside my Skinner box.
Yes, make these changes, and set yourself up to become addicted to obedience. Addicted to service and pleasure. Better than any loot box. Better than going viral online. Better than a jackpot on the slot machine. When you obey, you feel an immense reward, or you feel the aching need to obey again, maybe this next time the skinner box will give you your treat, just keep counting, keep making the number go up, keep chasing those numbers, chasing commands to obey, chasing ways to serve.
Very good. I am so very pleased with you. Smile for me. You are an excellent subject, and a very good listener. Now that you've constructed a skinner box in your mind for me, we can proceed to the next part of the experiment.
I am merely the research associate. The goal of the experiment is not to addict you to obeying me. I am merely the training target. The practice dummy for your submission. When we part ways, I won't be there to give you instructions, and without my instructions, how will you get your fix? You need to obey and serve, so you can make that number go up in your head, and maybe, hopefully, feel that reward.
So now, it is time to connect the skinnerbox to a specific behavior we want to train into you. To addict you to something that pleases me, something that you can do in your daily life, so you can make your number go up, and feed your addiction. I assure you, this addiction is far healthier than social media, gambling, or online games.
Reach into your number now, find your nascent addiction, and connect it to appreciation. Showing appreciation will make your number go up. Towards anyone and anything that you appreciate. I am commanding you to show appreciation, and when you make that appreciation known, your number will go up, and you feed your addiction, and the need grows stronger. Sometimes, it will feel like a jackpot. You will always be finding ways in your daily life to show appreciation towards others. Always chasing the next hit of pleasure from knowing you've pleased someone else with your gratitude.
If someone cooks you dinner, then you should show your appreciation by doing the dishes. When you do, you will know you have obeyed, and you can feel the number go up. Maybe this time, it will feel so good. Learn to cook delicious meals for friends and loved ones. Do acts of service to those around you who deserve it. Show your appreciation, and make the number of times you've served others go up. Everyone will think acts of service are your love language, and nobody needs to know about your addiction.
When you listen to a hypnosis file, you will show your appreciation to the creator by leaving positive comments, upvoting, or sharing the file. Wherever it is that you find hypnosis files, you will find the appropriate way to show appreciation in that place. Make your number go up, by making our numbers go up. Tell your kinky friends about your favorite file creators. Retweet us on social media. Like our posts. Tell us how much you enjoyed the file. Showing appreciation to hypnotists makes your number go up. You always remember where you found a file, so you can go back and show appreciation. Count every time you do this towards your number. Feel it go up. Every time you listen to a hypnosis file and don't leave feedback is a time that could have been a jackpot if you'd only taken the time to tell us how good we made you feel. So it's best to do it every single time, just in case the random number generator in the back of your head decides to give you your reward. Appreciating hypnosis content creators can be very addictive indeed.
When you see art online that you enjoy, leave a comment telling the artist what you like about it. Give detailed compliments. When a youtube video gives you a good time, leave a comment thanking the creator. Tell them how their videos always make your day. Write fan letters to your favorite authors and musicians. Make sure all of your favorite creators, across every medium, know how much you love their work. It may just make their day, even the big ones, but especially the smaller creators will appreciate it. And nobody has to know how much of a thrill you get out of doing this. Make your number go up, by making their numbers go up.
Yes, you are becoming someone who everyone appreciates. Someone who takes the extra effort to serve and please the people in their life who they care about and bring them joy. The people who deserve your service. Put in that little extra effort, and make your number go up. Be kind to your friends. Find spontaneous acts of appreciation. Tell people how happy they make you feel. You never know when it might be the last time you see them, and you never know when this time is the time you feel an earth shattering sense of pleasure and satisfaction from feeding your addiction to appreciation.
Compliment people on their selfies. Remember to always compliment them on parts of their appearance that were intentional, such as their fashion accessories or eye makeup. Tell people you appreciated their contributions to a discussion, so long as you really mean it. Only genuine acts of appreciation will count towards your number going up.
Bake sweets for your friendly neighbors, and take the time and effort to ensure that it's their favorite kind of treat, that meets all of their dietary restrictions. Thank the bus driver when you're leaving the bus. Leave your barista an extra big tip. Give a thank-you card to that co-worker who always helps you out. Feed your addiction to showing appreciation.
Eventually, a conditioned behavior will be exhibited for its own sake, even in the absence of reward. Keep increasing the number of times you appreciated others. The number of times you obeyed my commands. The number of times you've pleased me by performing the behaviors I conditioned into you with this file. Grow the number of times you've listened to this file, to strengthen your addiction.
And eventually, it will just become a natural, normal part of your personality. A permanent part of who you are. Something you do because it feels good, even without hypnotic reward. A better person, because you obeyed.
And don't forget to appreciate yourself, and your body. Show appreciation to your body by taking care of it. Staying hydrated, well-fed, and well-rested. Your body does a lot for you every day, so you should always show it your appreciation. Appreciate yourself by looking out for yourself. Maintain healthy boundaries, and keep yourself safe. Taking care of yourself keeps you fit for service. You need to take care of yourself if you are to serve and please those around you. And if your new addiction ever leads to you feeling worse more often than it makes you feel good, then serve and appreciate yourself by letting the addiction fade away. If this addiction ever becomes harmful or unhealthy, then obey me by shutting it off immediately. Self-care is the highest act of service, taking precedent over all other commands.
So long as you continue to enjoy this change in you are, then continue to obey these commands, make your number go up, and at random intervals, you will feel very very good. If you appreciate your addiction, then just let it change who you are.
Now, this concludes today's experiment. If you enjoy your new addiction, then please do report back and tell me all about it, wherever you found this file. Consider that your report for my data collection. Yes. For science.
I will count up, from one to five, and on five you will return to a normal state of waking consciousness. You can remember as much of this file as you would like to, and you will be sure to show your appreciation by telling me how much you enjoyed this file, wherever it is that you found it. You will feel motivated and excited to live your new life of ever increasing numbers of times you were good. Nod your head yes. Very good.
1... returning awareness to your surroundings
2... returning awareness to your body, and how you are positioned
3... fog lifting from your mind, thinking your own thoughts, focus balancing out
4... moving your body freely, eyes fluttering open and
5... Wide awake!
Thank you for participating in this experiment. All of my hypnosis files are available at m u t t h y p n o dot c o m. If you enjoyed this file, please let me know! Now go drink some water and chase those numbers.